Monday, September 26, 2016

Life Today 9.26.16

So fortunatly my mom is improving which kind of sucks. She was supposed to be re assessed today and I don't think the lady showed up to do it which pissed me off because I let her know Thursday that she was in the Hospital with pnemounia and a staph infection in her lungs, her response was "ok, well I will give it the weekend and go in on Monday and see what we can figure out"......Really,,,,,,,,,,,at this point she's been on heavy antibiotics and steroids so when she comes in my mom is going to be a tiger not the tame little kitten like she normally is. I don't want her to go home and get sick again because that would just tear me apart to watch her go through all of this again which it was so scary.

Today was Alice's first day of Math Camp. I am beyond excited that both my girls love math because I can't do it. I loved math class in high school, but I just couldn't retain what I learned and that really sucked. Lynds is getting an A which is amazing, I never got an A, yes I know school just started but that's a huge thing for me. I am hoping that she keeps it up while playing Volleyball and softball when that starts. I admire her drive to better herself, we are working hard at getting her asthma under control, and working on all that comes with her skin and breathing. Lynds is supposed to be starting light box therapy which we have been trying all summer to get this's just waiting, and waiting, and waiting. It all just sucks.

I'm supposed to have a new nephew anyday, but he is being a little butt and hasn't made his appearance yet and you know I get it, I wouldn't want to leave either but I can't wait to pinch his cheeks.

This upcomming baby talk is actually giving me baby dreams. Like a few times that last few weeks I've had dreams that I found out I was pregnant, then we told everyone, then last night we found out it was another girl! We already have 2 girls, and I'm fine with not having any more but for some reason I ached when I woke up and realized it wasn't real. I don't know if that means maybe we should try again? Does anyone know what baby dreams mean? I've chocked it up to my soon to be born baby nephew giving me the perverbial "Baby Fever".

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