Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Well, Well, Well!

So lots of stuff has happened since my last post. Life has changed so much since Feb 8th. So much, so let me catch you up!

    Feb 8th my mom was on hospice, we talked with the hospital to see if there was a way they could keep her because she was so fragile I didn't want to risk loosing her during transport, the hospital assured me that they couldn't keep her because she was doing well enough to transport and a nursing facility could take care of her better than they could so they prepared for transport and transported her. During this time my aunt who was here from Alaska took me to dinner because I hadn't eaten the whole day. My mom was prepped for transport at 5:30pm and we were supposed to meet the hospice care team at 6:30pm at the nursing facility.
    Shortly before 6:30 I called the nursing facility to double check my mom was there, the nurse told me that I needed to hurry up and get there, my om was in fact there and was not doing very well. I cut dinner short with my Aunt, I told her what was going on and I headed up to the nursing facility while calling my husband and my grandma to let them know what was going on.
    As soon as I walked in the nurse met me at the front doors and let me know that my mom had passed, she apparently didn't make it through transport. My mom died in a van, after we begged the hospital to keep her they assured me that she would be OK. The drs lied to me they told me she would be fine. So I spent the next few things planning things, cleaning things out and taking care of things. The only great thing that came from this is that my best friend and her family came to see me and help me get stuff done. I have 1 brother but he's got some issues and really doesn't help with anything which honestly really sucks for me.
    For one long weekend my bestie and her family were here helping me with things and helping me keep my mind off of what was going on. I can not tell you how much I appreciated it because well at that time my life sucked. Unfortunately on their way home they were in a horrific accident that resulted in her 10 year old daughter breaking 1 hip and having a concussion as well as internal bleeding, her 12 year old son to break both hips and having internal bleeding, her hubby had a concussion and messed up his ankle, and my besties with some severe trauma and a messed up foot. I am so thankful that they all survived and feel terrible that they were all hurt but let me tell you that was a call I never wanted to get.
   Again so thankful that they are alive and working towards getting better and learning their normal. After spending only a week and a half in the hospital they were released to go home and learn their new normal, I wish I could be there to help them. They were here for me when I needed them but I just cant seem to be there for them because of life. WHICH SUCKS. On top of all of this we've had to take our oldest daughter out of school because she was failing everything and I know that she can do better but why she's not seeing it I have no idea. We got her enrolled and it took forever to do it for one reason or another. Now she's 2 weeks in and is doing a wonderful job.