Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Happy Anniversary

Today is our 13th anniversary, I went to bed last night feeling like crap and I woke up to these beautiful flowers and a wonderful card from my amazing hubby. Even thought I felt like crap and overslept and got Alice to school late, these brightened my day more than he knows. My nose was so stuffed I couldn't smell them this morning, but after a few nose blows and a drs appointment I smelled them briefly this afternoon and they smell lovely. 
Today we also had a family meeting in the nursing home that my mom is at, they told her that they would like to keep her for 10 more days up to 3 weeks, and while that makes me happy because that buys me time in finding a place for her to go, it made her really sad and I really don't like that, but i'm glad that they are taking the time to make sure that she's doing well before they just let her go. Her case manager still hasn't come by and that is really pissing me off, for reals like why can't she come in and do her job and let us know what she qualifies for that way we can get the ball rolling. My mom falls into this black hole so to speak, where is is to young for some facilities and not sick for others. I feel that her being "to young" is age discrimination, like seriously are they afraid she's gonna be a  hell raiser? She needs that extra help, if she can do it she will try but damn she's an aging women with sufficient medical needs.

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