Sunday, September 25, 2016

Life as we know it!

Alice was born with a Congenital Heart Defect called Atrio Ventricular Septial Defect (AVSD) when she was about 2 months old she went in to Doernbecher Childrens Hospital for her first Open Heart surgery. Her surgery went well but her heart didn't start up correctly so she needed a pacemaker, that pacemaker was placed in April 2011 and worked perfectly until January 2016, 5 years! 5 years is all we got before one of the leads fratured and she passed out at school and we were taken by ambulance to Doernbecher which is where we informed that her pacemaker had fractured and she would need a new one. That day they took her back and changed her pacemaker, she healed amazing and we were sent home about 4 days later.
About 3 weeks later we were back at dornbecher for a 14 or 15 day stay because her pacemaker didn't want to stay put. It actually was trying to break out of the skin so they did 10 days of antibiotics and then they re-did the placement of the pacer and 5 days to heal and then we were home to heal which was amazing.
Right after this happend my oldest had her tonsils and adnoids removed this is her very first surgery, 7 days after the surgery she ended up hemmoraging and had to be taken back up to doernbecher where they tried to cautorized the hemmorage but that didn't work so they had to place 7 stitches in her throat, and she spent the night. This was my January-March!

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